
Bored make a Bored. MEAN stack group project

Languages and Technologies

Mongo, Mongoose, Express JS, Angular, Node, SCSS, Bourbon, NEAT and Bitters, Git, Bower

Planning and Build

Built using a MEAN stack the site was developed around the idea of making an online pin board, allowing users to draw together inspiring media and group them by themes. The site allowed users to add photos or Youtube content. With a clear emphasis on making the experience easy and natural to follow, the project brought together user authentication from JWT, Facebook and Instagram logins. Features included full CRUD actions on the pins and boards, the ability to create and copy pinned items to boards, search boards for titles, tags and pinned item descriptions. From a visual perspective there were also media query resizing so that the site looked and was usable at different screen sizes, for example with navigation that switched between a hamburger style at smaller sizes and a more standard.

View it here!

See the code!

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